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It was the best class I have been to in the 22 years I have been in the company. I really learned a lot about myself and other people. It was very engaging from start to finish.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

I was highly impressed with the facilitator. I had initially intended to stay for only a small portion of the program, but found myself completely engaged due to her interactive style. Very well done!

MFS Investment Management

…thank you for arranging such a wonderful speaker. Faun was very informative and an excellent speaker who engaged the whole audience….she did a great job and people left with a lot less stress.

The Whitehead Institute, MIT

Faun did an excellent job at drawing out and identifying with our employees. Excellent presentation skills that need to be recognized. A very positive event for our employees due to Faun’s efforts!


Excellent advice provided to me. Suggestions will definitely affect my life going forward.

Ernst and Young

Faun presented a very lively, relevant workshop for a group of overworked fundraising professionals. She offered practical tips and techniques for achieving excellence in work and family life. Participants listed her presentation as one of the high points of our conference!

Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools

I’m so glad I reached out to ask you to speak to our community of entrepreneurs. Your insights, strategies, and observations yesterday were spot on and I’ve received great feedback already. I hope to arrange more of these types of seminars/lunch-and-learns with you in the near future. Thanks again for sharing your wisdom and expertise with us.

Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Newton Innovation Center

Thank you so much! You were the event. You went beyond my expectations and they were pretty high. Like I said last night, you have such a positive energy and it translated throughout the room.

Career Moves at Jewish Vocational Services