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Workshops & Training

All seminars are customized to meet your organization’s specific needs and can be delivered in a variety of formats, including: half and full-day sessions, as a keynote, breakout session or as a module as part of a series of workshops.

To learn more about how these workshops can benefit your organization, please contact Faun here.

Stay Fired Up at Work Without Burning Out

In today’s fast-paced, round-the-clock business climate, how do you tackle the demanding work load and remained energized and engaged in your work? How do you take your role and organization to the next level without compromising your well-being? The challenge, of course, is finding a way to continue pursuing big goals without experiencing the type of exhaustion that has real costs to personal and professional success. The good news is that burnout is not inevitable and this session will provide a roadmap for thriving at work even when facing many demands and continuous change.

In this highly-interactive session participants will learn:

  • The critical questions to ask when juggling competing priorities
  • Concrete strategies for effectively setting boundaries while preserving important relationships
  • Immediately actionable and realistic ways to build your resilience and stay energized
  • The reasons why managing your energy is far more effective than managing your time
Preventing Burnout Starts at the Top: A Roadmap for Using Your Leadership to Support Your Team

The challenges of the past few years have been extraordinary, for each of us personally, and for the teams and organizations that we lead. As leaders, it is critically important that we understand how to intentionally prevent burnout and create a culture where employees can thrive. This interactive workshop will provide you with tools to use at an individual and organizational level, including a roadmap for supporting your team in an ever-changing work environment. You will learn:

  • Key strategies for addressing common, yet often overlooked, contributors to employee burnout
  • How to approach burnout as a shared responsibility between employee and employer
  • Realistic ways to recharge and stay energized—and how to model this for your team
  • How to identify and support a struggling colleague
  • Best practices for setting boundaries that will sustain the long-term health of your team and organization
Building a Culture of Staff Appreciation that Elevates Engagement

In today’s dynamic work environment, fostering a culture of employee appreciation is essential for both organizational growth and talent retention. It is critical that leaders understand that individual and team engagement hinges upon daily actions that cultivate trust and convey the value of their contributions. This interactive session is packed with actionable strategies and tools that can be used immediately in one-on-one interactions, team discussions, and communications, and which, when integrated into an employee’s daily experience, powerfully fuel impact and engagement. Participants will learn:

  • How to identify your staff’s unique preferences for recognition and feeling valued
  • How to authentically demonstrate appreciation during periods of high stress
  • How to use acknowledgment and appreciation to foster genuine connections, boost team morale, and enhance job satisfaction and retention
  • How to include everyone, including senior leaders and board members, in your staff appreciation efforts
Communication and Connection: Rewiring How You Approach Challenging Conversations

Difficult conversations are inevitable in any workplace. It can be tempting to avoid these conversations, but the issues will rarely disappear on their own. Learning to effectively navigate difficult conversations is a crucial skill that sets you apart as a leader, and results in improved relationships, faster problem solving, and stronger individual and team outcomes. Participants will learn:

  • A multi-step process for preparing for a variety of difficult conversations
  • Strategies for managing your own emotions and listening well
  • How to effectively structure and initiate a difficult conversation
  • Techniques for respectfully and productively delivering your message
  • Best practices for responding to defensive behavior and generating solutions collaboratively
Building Personal and Professional Resilience: Boosting How You Recharge and Reset

Resilience is about far more than “bouncing back”. Resilience is about strengthening your ability to navigate future challenges, identify unexpected opportunities, and adapt in the face of change— arguably some of the most essential skills for any professional. Fortunately, resilience isn’t a static personality trait, but rather something you can develop with awareness and practice. In this interactive session, you will learn:

  • Best practices for strengthening resilience and staying energized
  • Why mindset matters and how to adjust your thinking when navigating challenging situations
  • Strategies for approaching future challenges with realistic optimism
  • How to ensure you have the right support for both personal and professional wellbeing
Using your Leadership to Build a Resilient Team

Resilient teams are more than just a group of individually resilient people. Instead, truly resilient teams value and harness the strengths of each team member, positioning them to adapt better, rise to new challenges, and remain optimistic. In this session, you will learn the attributes of highly resilient teams and how you can use your leadership to help your team come together and thrive, whether facing typical day-to-day organizational challenges or when encountering change or unexpected events.

Roadmap to Resilient Leadership

The most effective leaders both model resilience and foster it in others. However, this first requires leaders to broaden their definition of resilience and recognize it as one of their most powerful management tools. In this session, designed specifically for those who lead others, you will:

  • Assess your resilience and understand which strengths and challenges you bring to your leadership role
  • Discover the 5 critical components of resilient leadership
  • Explore how resilient leadership creates sustainable, high-performing teams
  • Learn the best resilience-bolstering questions to ask yourself and your team
  • Develop strategies for modeling resilient behaviors and coaching these skills to those you lead
Thriving During Workplace Change

In today’s business climate, companies are required to make frequent and swift adjustments in how they are structured and conduct business, affecting people at all levels of the organization. Even in the face of ongoing change, it is essential to be highly-productive and alert to new ways to innovate. In this session, participants will learn:

  • To better understand their typical response to change and how to successfully adapt
  • How to leverage ongoing change into both organizational and professional opportunities
  • Best practices for communicating during times of change
  • Strategies for building relationships and partnering with evolving teams and work groups
Ignite Your Team Without Burning Them Out

In today’s fast-paced work environment, where having the competitive edge is essential for an organization’s success, there is an urgency for teams to continually work harder and faster. This pace can be exciting and motivating—and even productive in the short-term–but for long-term productivity, innovation, and commitment to the organization, leaders need to manage in a way which ensures that their team members feel supported and engaged. In this session, participants will learn:

  • Strategies for supporting the team during periods of high-intensity work
  • Methods for ensuring broad team understanding of how their work connects to organizational objectives and goals
  • Signs of burnout and how to intervene
  • Best practices for assessing and supporting the well-being of individual team members
  • Ways to safeguard your own well-being and role-model effectively for team members.
Don’t Let Your Passion for Your Non-Profit’s Mission Burn You Out

Working for a non-profit organization can be deeply gratifying, but the fire that keeps you motivated to serve your organization’s mission can also burn you out. Deep commitment to a meaningful mission, coupled with limited resources to meet critical needs, contributes to employees working tirelessly and ceaselessly on behalf of the organization. Additionally, non-profit professionals must navigate the tricky terrain of supporting not only their colleagues, but also board members and other lay leaders who may not fully understand the day-to-day challenges of a non-profit. In order to prevent burnout and turnover, and to increase long-term commitment to the organization, it is essential to provide non-profit employees with the tools necessary for sustainability. In the session, participants will learn:

  • How to mirror the best practices of well-resourced organizations, even without a large budget
  • Strategies for effective communication and expectation-setting between professional staff and lay leaders
  • Best practices for setting limits and boundaries
  • Approaches for ensuring the long-term well-being of each individual and the entire team
Excellent Communication Isn’t Optional: Creating a Culture of Open Feedback that Drives Team Performance

Organizations seeking to retain their best talent understand that ongoing and meaningful feedback is critical. In the absence of constructive feedback, employees are unaware if they are meeting expectations and, as a result, can become frustrated or work tirelessly on the wrong priorities—all of which can lead to poor performance and burnout. Today’s employees insist on this type of meaningful communication and will leave an organization without it. However, many managers report that creating a culture of open feedback is a struggle due to a lack of skills and limited time. In this very interactive session, participants will learn:

  • How to develop trusting relationships as the foundation of meaningful feedback
  • Characteristics of constructive and impactful feedback
  • Approaches for giving effective feedback in a variety of challenging situations to people at all levels of an organization
  • Strategies for receiving feedback without becoming defensive
  • How to solicit meaningful performance feedback
  • Best approaches for receiving feedback in challenging situations such as when one disagrees with the feedback, when it is given inappropriately, when it comes from someone one doesn’t trust or from someone who may not be qualified to provide it.
Rewiring Time Management: Change How you Think about Managing Your Time and Day

Do you ever find yourself wondering how it’s already 6pm, and although you’ve been working nonstop, some of your biggest priorities of the day remain untouched? Are you ever frustrated that despite your best efforts, you are scrambling at the last minute to finish deliverables? If you find yourself frequently overwhelmed by feelings of inadequate time, the stress alone can derail your productivity. However, the good news is that there are concrete strategies that will help you better understand and utilize your work rhythms, gain clarity on your priorities, and organize how to most efficiently use your day. In this interactive session packed with practical tools you can use immediately, participants will learn:

  • The most important ground rules about time management
  • The one activity that must be done daily
  • A straightforward prioritizing model that will keep you focused on the most critical tasks
  • How to utilize time blocking to get more done
  • Where to invest additional time to save time
Redefining Superwoman: Helping Busy Women Manage Their Lives

Whether in their personal or professional lives, women have a tendency to try to be “all things to all people,” but long-term, this is a recipe for overload and burnout. In this interactive and practical session, participants will learn the skills needed to be most effective both personally and professionally, including:

  • The importance of focusing on “resilience” rather than “balance”
  • Best practices for managing multiple roles and responsibilities
  • Essential communication skills for delegating and setting limits
  • Realistic strategies for caring for oneself and reducing stress
Is That On Your To-Do List or Mine? Setting and Negotiating Boundaries to Improve Productivity and Prevent Burnout

In order to be most productive in today’s collaborative and team-centered work environment, it is essential to establish priorities and boundaries. While this can be a very challenging skill to master, strengthening one’s abilities in this area is the only way to secure the time and energy required to meet one’s responsibilities. Participants in this session will learn:

  • How to identify which of their professional and personal priorities need to be most protected
  • Strategies for effectively setting boundaries while preserving important relationships
  • Ways to say “yes” and be a supportive colleague while concurrently setting limits
  • Steps for assessing which approach will be most effective in a variety of situations
Onboarding New Employees: Preventing Burnout Begins on Day One

While signs of burnout typically become more evident after employees have worked with an organization for a period of time, there are ways for organizations and managers to prevent burnout from happening to new employees in the first place. With thoughtful onboarding, new employees will be well-positioned to be meaningful contributors to an organization and more deeply committed to its success. Participants will learn:

  • How to develop a road map for helping new employees understand the connection between their individual role, their team’s role and organizational goals and objectives.
  • Approaches for helping new employees build relationships with teammates and other colleagues
  • The value of cross-training in deepening organizational understanding and increasing an employee’s ability to be innovative and drive strong outcomes
  • Best practices for creating a culture of ongoing feedback

Excellent advice provided to me. Suggestions will definitely affect my life going forward.

Ernst and Young